As a Christian school, LCA sees no divide between the secular and the spiritual. All truth is God’s truth whether John 3:16 or chemistry. LCA is intentional, however, about providing opportunities to focus on the spiritual development of students.

Alpha Camp

Upper School students are excited to kick off each school year with Alpha Camp, an off-campus retreat led by the senior class. Alpha Camp is a chance to get away from the pressures of school and connect with other students in order to forge relationships that will last the year . . . and hopefully longer! Alpha is strategically positioned right at the launch of the school year so that ample time is given to ensure that the year gets off to the right start. These days are filled with engaging worship, the study of God’s Word, small group accountability, and prayer while also providing plenty of time for recreational fun, renewing old friendships, and welcoming new students. Alpha is always a highlight of every school year!



Chapel is a special time for the Upper School student community. The bimonthly program is designed to encourage students in their personal walk while driving their desire to love and influence the people in their lives. The worship music sets the tone for an attitude of worship followed by applicable teaching.



The Chapel Band consists of staff and student musicians and singers who perform at various Chapels in the fall and spring for all Upper School students. Band positions typically include lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards, lead vocalist, and back up vocalists. For more information on Chapel Band, contact our Upper School English Teacher Jennifer Smith.



Family groups exist to foster community, encourage spiritual growth through discussion and application of chapel messages, as well as create spaces for LCA Upper School students to feel seen, known, loved and encouraged. These groups are same grade, same gender peer groups of 6-12 students. Groups are led by LCA administration, teachers, and community members such as local church staff.