Chorus — Loganville Christian Academy

recent achievements:

6th Grade Statewide Honor Chorus 2024
Braden Dillard, Mackenzie Crook, Hannah Davilus, & Anna Chambers

Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus 2024
Hadassah Normil, Abby Campbell, Annalee White, Teara Riley, & Brielle Ruziva

ACSI Choral Festival:
- 2022: Superior Rating
- 2023: Superior Rating


"It is good to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to Your name, O Most High"
~ Psalm 92:1

At LCA, we believe a strong Chorus program is truly glorifying to God.   Research shows that learning music enhances skills that we all use, including language development, mental math, recognizing patterns, and use of critical thinking and problem solving. Through the study of music, students develop self-discipline, confidence, commitment, responsibility, good decision-making, and a general sense of personal pride.


Students in 2nd-5th grade may join Lower School Chorus Club. Fourth and fifth grade Chorus Club members may audition for acting roles and solos in the Lower School Christmas Play. Chorus practices occur before school on Wednesday late-start days. For more information about Chorus Club, contact Jennilee Burton or Melissa Farr.


All Upper School students are able to sign up for one of the chorus classes. No prior knowledge in music is necessary! Each chorus class performs at the LCA Christmas Concert and Spring Concert each year. Students also participate in the ACSI Choral Festival in the spring and have the opportunity to audition for All State Chorus (7th-12th grade) or Statewide Honor Chorus (6th grade).


Jennilee Burton
HS Musical Director
US Chorus
LS Music
Email Jennilee

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