Enrolling at LCA is a financial investment that provides your child with an education that is taught through a Biblical worldview by educators who love Jesus, go the extra mile, build relationships, never stop learning, and display integrity.

What are you investing in?

  • An environment where your child is known

  • Rigorous academics, with Honor, Dual Enrollment, and AP opportunities

  • Qualified educators

  • Award-winning athletics and fine arts programs

  • Student leadership opportunities



Tuition is broken down by grade-level and increases as students graduate to higher grades. Payment plans and discounts are broken down below. Families who wish for further information can contact our Admissions Team.


*The 12 month tuition plan is June - May. Students enrolling after June will be on a shortened payment plan resulting in a higher monthly payment.



The tuition payment plan is created during the online enrollment process. Students enrolling after June will be on a shortened payment plan potentially resulting in a higher monthly payment. All accounts must be cleared by May. The payment plan options are:


+One Pay Plan

When the annual tuition is paid by March 1, a $600 per student discount applies. When the annual tuition is paid by May 1 (or within two weeks after acceptance until October), a $375 per student discount applies.

+Two Pay Plan

When tuition is paid by May 1st (or within two weeks after acceptance) and December 1, a $300 per student discount applies.

+Monthly Pay Plan

Families choose payments on either the 5th or 20th of each month beginning in June and ending in May. Payments are made via automatic bank draft. See the tuition chart above for monthly tuition amounts.



MULTI-STUDENT DISCOUNTS: Multi-student discounts are given for families with more than one student enrolled at LCA. Annual tuition is discounted by 10% for the second student. A 20% discount is given for additional students following the second student. The student in the higher grade will be considered the first student.

MINISTERIAL PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM: LCA’s Ministerial Partnership Program has been designed to provide an affordable option for leaders in full-time ministry who desire Christian education for their children.

The elders of a local church or the board of a non-profit ministry may opt to provide an educational benefit to full-time leaders by donating up to 25% of the cost of tuition to the school. In turn, LCA will match up to an additional 25% in tuition, allowing the ministry leader to realize up to a 50% total tuition discount.


  • Employeed at a 501C3 Organization: Must be employeed by a church or ministry that is a 501C3 organization. A church must have a minimum of 200 active members. A ministry must reach a minimum of 100 people.

  • Full Time Ministry Leader: Full-time ministry leaders include, but are not limited to, Lead or Associate Pastor, Preschool, Children, or Youth Pastor, Worship Pastor, or Church Weekday Preschool Director

The partnership discount is in place for one year at a time and is contingent on maintaining full-time employment with the church/ministry making the tuition donation.

Complete this form and submit it to the Finance Office to apply to the Ministerial Partnership Program. For more information, please email Andre King, Director of Community Engagement.



Fees listed in the fee schedule are non-refundable and are required as part of enrollment. Click the dropdowns for more details on each required Fee. Additional fees based on student activities, elective courses, and field trips may be assessed.


+Application Fee

The application fee is collected at the time the application is submitted.

+Testing Fee

Applicants for PreK3-5th grade are required to be evaluated prior to the parent interview. For students applying for grades 6-12, the results of a nationally recognized test taken within the last 12 months will be considered. If no such testing records are available, or if additional testing is necessary, a testing date will be scheduled. There is a non-refundable $50 testing fee due prior to testing.

+FACTS Processing Fee

The FACTS Processing Fee is collected by FACTS that is associated with the type of payment plan chosen by the family. This allows for monthly, annual, or bi-annual payments to be processed.

This is an annual fee that is assessed by FACTS.


LCA provides limited tuition assistance through a need-based financial assistance program and the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program. Families interested in financial assistance must complete an aid application. A student's enrollment eligibility must first be established before a scholarship award is determined. Details on LCA's need-based finance assistance program can be found here.

The Georgia Promise scholarship is an education choice program that provides eligible students with the opportunity to use public funds for non-public education expenses in grades K - 12th. As a Georgia Promise partner, scholarship money awarded can be used for tuition at LCA.

The deadline to apply is Monday, April 15. To determine eligibility, complete the prescreening tool. Additional information can be found at Georgia Promise Scholarship.



Monthly tuition payments will be made by an automatic draft of the family's account. For accounts that are not paid by the due date, a $25.00 late charge or 1.5% of the outstanding balance, whichever is greater, will be applied to the tuition account. Families that choose the one or two pay plan must make payments by the respective due dates or risk forfeiting the discount. If an account has a past due balance in excess of 60 days, parents may be asked to withdraw their child(ren) from school.


In the event a draft is attempted but fails to be paid due to insufficient funds, a $30.00 fee will be assessed. A second draft will be attempted.


It is assumed that a family is enrolling for the entire year. Faculty and staff hiring, and budgets are set accordingly based upon enrollment numbers. Students who withdraw before fulfilling their financial contract must submit thirty days’ written notice. All paid fees are forfeited, and a withdrawal fee will be assessed.

  • Families who withdraw after February 15 and up to the start of the school year will be subject to a 2-month tuition penalty.

  • Families withdrawing after the first day of school will be required to pay for the month of withdrawal plus two additional months.

Report cards and/or transcripts are released to the parent or other schools only when the student’s financial account is paid up to date and all school property is returned in good condition.