US Theatre Receives Honors

The Upper School students at LCA invested many months this semester into preparing LaFayette No. 1. The drama was set in the early 1800s as the yellow fever epidemic ravaged the streets of New Orleans, leaving behind lots of orphan children who were all but forgotten.

This production was performed and received honors at several theatre competitions during the months of October and November before it was performed for our own community in December. The show took 2nd place at the GISA 4-AAA region competition and earned a spot in the state competition. Seniors Lillie Sirmans and Rebekah Teffertiller received GISA Region Outstanding Performance honors. Natalie Fowler received the Best Actress award and Rebekah Teffertiller received the Best Supporting Actress award at the 1st ever ACSI One Act Play Festival at Athens Christian. Walt Gaines, Connor Gann, and Lillie Sirmans were selected as part of the All Star Cast. The competition season came to a close at the GISA State Competition in Vidalia, Georgia, where LCA was awarded 3rd place in the state with Connor Gann and Lillie Sirmans receiving honorable mentions for their performances.

Cheryl Ingle, LCA’s Fine Arts director, said, “I knew that if we were ever going to do a drama . . . this was the year! This was the group of students who could do it! Dramas aren’t easy. They are hard. They require vulnerability, and these students risked and were rewarded. I love the characters, the history, and the message of this show. My students brought this historical story and these characters to life. And they reminded us that we all have a story to tell, a voice with which to tell it, and that we can be the difference-maker that our world needs. I am so incredibly proud of this cast and crew.”

Lillie Sirmans, a senior and one of the student body presidents, said, “Lafayette No. 1 touched my heart in so many ways. The show took us on the most exciting theatrical journey I have ever been on. As an actress, I learned to find beauty in a character that was broken and light in the midst of a show that was dark. As a person, I learned that it is our job to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves and to be the light the Lord has called us to be. My heart for theatre and performing only grew through this fantastic adventure. This show will never lose the special place it has in my heart.”

Rebekah Teffertiller, another LCA senior, said, “Lafayette no.1 was one of my favorite shows to delve into for several reasons, one of them being my love of history. I was able to research the costuming of the time period and the effect of yellow fever on the people. I loved how historically accurate the show was and that we got to share the story of some voices who otherwise might not have been heard.”

We’re so proud of each and every student for their efforts in this theatrical presentation. It takes many people to do something like this so well. And the long-term benefits for the students include things such as building self-confidence, flexibility, and adaptability, developing commitment and passion for what they were doing, working together with other students cooperatively, and learning mutual respect for others’ roles and abilities. (These sounds like the “soft” character qualities that employers cannot teach but desire in all of their employees!) Thank you, students, for sharing this drama with your LCA family, and congratulations in your success in presenting it at the school competitions. We Are LCA!