Alumni Spotlight: Gaines Roberts

Roberts' Journey to Building Bravo

Having a dream is one thing, but turning that dream into reality takes grit, determination, and faith. Gaines Roberts, a graduate from the class of 2017, spent his entire 12 years at Loganville Christian Academy. He embodies what it looks like to go after what you want in life and take bold steps of faith along the way. Now married to Emma Kate, his freshman-year college sweetheart, Gaines has founded his own media and film company, Bravo Film House. Gaines graduated from Liberty University with a major in Cinematic Arts and Film Production, and he married Emma Kate during his senior year at Liberty.

His company’s name, Bravo Film House, is a nod to the well-known Bravo Seal Team. Gaines noted that in the same way a seal team must operate with brotherhood, camaraderie, determination, and excellence, to be the best in the world of film and media, you too must conduct yourself in this manner. Gaines specializes in creating various media, including commercials, promo videos, podcasts, and social media content. If you knew Gaines in high school, you knew him as a man on a mission, dedicated to working hard at everything he undertook and making everyone around him feel loved.

When asked who made the largest impact on him in his high school career, Gaines shared that Mrs. Corrente and Mrs. Smith were two teachers who set him up for academic success in college. Laughing, he stated, “I actually came to realize that I was so well prepared coming out of high school that most of my college experience felt like a breeze curriculum-wise. I even ended up calling some of my high school teachers for help on a few college papers because of just how amazing they are.”

Some of his favorite memories from highschool were with Mr. Davis and Mr. Martin, who deeply influenced the man he is today. Gaines fondly recalled his 5:15 AM workout club with Bible teacher Mr. Martin as some of his best memories. "We would work out and discuss life and faith three mornings a week before the start of school," he said. These early morning sessions were more than just physical workouts; they were times of mentorship and spiritual growth that have left a lasting impact on Gaines.

His senior year, Gaines interned with David Cannon, who taught him the ropes of film and media. From this experience, he went on to film and produce a highlight video of Alpha Camp for his senior project. Through this experience and many others, he felt he gained an understanding of how important communication and leadership are in film and media. "Playing football and leading clubs in high school taught me that grit and hard work are essential," he said. This lesson has carried over to his career, where effective communication and leadership are crucial while on set filming.

Right out of college, Gaines was offered a job in Louisiana to work for Sadie Robertson and her family. He filmed and produced much of the Robertsons’ content, such as the Whoa That’s Good podcast, and many other projects. This time was foundational for him, reminding him that regardless of where his career led, his faith in God and his desire to spread the love of Jesus would always be intertwined in everything he did.

After spending time in Louisiana, his ongoing friendship with David Cannon led to opportunities with Bass Pro Shop, traveling and filming worldwide. He now contracts with many different well-known companies, traveling and filming media all over the world. “My favorite place so far has been Alaska, getting to shoot a hunting trip experience for Bass Pro Shop,” he reminisced.

When asked why he loves his job, he stated, “I love having the opportunity to take someone's idea, and use creativity to bring it fully to life. I take pride in being able to take a vision, and make something beautiful from it.” From here, Gaines envisions building up Bravo Film House to be a multimedia agency, running the company with a team under him.

His advice to current high schoolers is comedic yet profound: “Life can be hard, get a helmet.” He emphasized that we all will experience trials and tribulations, but relying on Jesus and surrounding yourself with supportive friends is vital. Some of his closest friends to this day are those he met in high school, and he is grateful for investing in these relationships that continue to inspire him to be his best self.

As Gaines continues to expand Bravo Film House, he finds confidence in knowing that Jesus guides each step, eagerly anticipating what the future holds for him and Emma Kate.