Alumni Spotlight: Rebecca Moye

From Sketches to Success: Rebecca Moye’s Journey in Art and Illustration

Rebecca Moye graduated from LCA in 2018 with a well-defined vision of her passion. Always drawn to creativity and art, she attended Lee University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. Now, her career as a graphic designer and freelance artist allows her to blend her giftings with her deep passion for bringing unique ideas to life. Working full time for Fly Fishing Ranger Outdoors, Rebecca enjoys the flexibility of remote work while juggling marketing, designing annual catalogs, running social media, and working on packaging and branding for new products. On the side, she takes on freelance projects, illustrating and creating art for various clients.

Early Beginnings

Rebecca’s love for creating began early in life. She often found herself sketching and drawing after finishing her homeschool assignments when she was still in elementary school. Her senior project at LCA, teaching pottery at an assisted living facility, was a testament to her desire to use art to uniquely love and connect with those around her. She guided residents in painting designs on pots and planting flowers, an experience that affirmed her passion for using art to give back.

Getting Comfortable in the Uncomfortable 

Reflecting on her five years at LCA, Rebecca felt immensely prepared for college and her career. “LCA pushed us to do well, and I took many dual enrollment classes, which helped me graduate college early and enter the workforce sooner,” she shares. The supportive environment at LCA made college coursework seem less daunting. She explained that encouragement from faculty members like Mr. Martin and Celia Davis fueled her faith and helped her feel prepared for college. “Mr. Martin truly made the classroom feel like a safe place to disagree and have healthy conversations that made us all better. It helped me to learn how to think critically and form my own opinion,” Rebecca notes. Likewise, she stated, “LCA also taught me to value connections, which are crucial in the art world as most of my opportunities have come from networking with people and stepping outside my comfort zone.

Art as Worship

Rebecca feels that an attention to detail and a willingness to learn were skills she learned early on at LCA and have been essential in her graphic design career. The broad nature of graphic design requires versatility, and Rebecca’s eagerness to learn new things and keep trying has been invaluable in her field.

Faith has also played a significant role in Rebecca’s career. “God definitely places unique skills and giftings in your life. I feel close to God when I get to create and it becomes my worship to Him,” she says. Rebecca explained that she believes using her gifts to create beautiful things is how she glorifies God most.

LCA also taught me to value connections, which are crucial in the art world as most of my opportunities have come from networking with people and stepping outside my comfort zone.
— Rebecca Moye

Advice for Aspiring Students

For current LCA students aspiring to pursue their dreams, Rebecca offers valuable advice: “Try to explore lots of different avenues and pursue what you are actually passionate about. Always lean into your natural strengths, the community around you, and don’t be afraid to fail and try again.” She encourages students not to wait for everything to be perfect before starting something. Sharing her own experience of overcoming imposter syndrome in her first graphic design job while still a college student, she said, “I had to learn to believe in myself and just go for it, even if it seemed scary.”

A Dream Come True

In 2019, during her freshman year of college, Rebecca’s dream of illustrating a book came to fruition when former LCA teacher Cheryl Ingle approached her with a project. Initially planning to use pencil illustrations, Rebecca pivoted to digital illustration during the COVID-19 pandemic, a transition that marked a significant learning curve in her career. The project was a collaborative effort where Rebecca brought Cheryl’s visions to life, sketch by sketch.

“The most challenging part of illustrating the book was mastering digital illustration and allowing my style to evolve and grow without self-criticism,” Rebecca notes. Despite the challenges, Rebecca found joy in creating the main character, Cady, and bringing her adventurous and spunky personality to life. “I felt like I watched the character literally grow up before my very eyes and truly loved it,” she laughs.

Working with Cheryl Ingle, who had known Rebecca from her time at LCA, was a rewarding experience. “Cheryl saw my passion from a young age and watched me grow in it. She’s amazing at calling out potential in people. Every teacher at LCA was so good at encouraging us in our passions,” Rebecca shared. The book’s theme of finding goodness even in the most difficult times resonated deeply with Rebecca, making the project even more meaningful.

Envisioning What’s Ahead

Rebecca’s long-term career goals include illustrating more books, working for an animation studio, and taking on freelance projects for bigger clients. “In the end, I want to create things that I am proud of,” she stated. Rebecca Moye’s story is a testament to the power of not giving up on something you deeply love. Her transformation from a young girl who loved to draw to a successful graphic designer is an inspiration to all. It shows that with dedication, faith, and the right support, anything is possible.