On January 2, 37 members of our senior class, headed to Atlanta for Passion 2017. Our students, along with 55,000 other high school & college students and young adult leaders, gathered at the Georgia Dome for 3 days to focus on Jesus. The conference kicked off with amazing worship by the Passion Band, Crowder (who surprised the crowd with Carrie Underwood) & teaching by Christine Caine. The three days were like drinking from a fire hydrant, full of relevant teachings applicable to this generation of students! Snip its from each of the speakers are outlined below.
Christine Caine: Endurance: The capacity to bear up under difficult circumstance. Drop It Now. Start Here Now. Look Up Now.
Beth Moore: Only once you begin to really know Jesus, the enchantments of this world cannot compete.
John Piper: God is most exalted when we are satisfied in Him.
Levi Lusko: Don't rely on will power because you have God's power.
Francis Chan: This generation needs to focus on God's thoughts.
Katherine & Jay Wolf: Don't waste your pain. Bring it in close & let it be your tutor.
Louie Giglio: We are free because of the devastating power of the cross.